What is Informed Refusal of Consent?
What is the right to withdraw or refuse consent?
Participant and/or legal guardian/s have the right (at any time) to refuse or withdraw their consent for a service, support, and/or product offered by you as a sole trader, unregistered or registered provider across Australia.
How to withdraw or refuse consent?
To withdraw or to make a informed refusal to consent the participant and/or legal guardian/s should both verbally and in writing inform you as the service provider. This notification, reporting process and timeframes will be up to you as the service owner or manager to decide completion.
Your Provider Obligations
- You as the service provider MUST ensure that you will fully inform the participant and/or legal guardian/s (both verbally and/or in writing) prior the to them making their final decision. This may include but not limited to their rights, information, facts and any implications.
- You as the service provider MUST ensure that you inform the participant and/or legal guardian/s what is the right to withdraw or refuse and the process to do this
- Implement and regularly review a policy and procedure
- You as the service provider MUST implement a onboarding system, client review system, services & supports review system,
- Meet new or renewal ndis commission registration requirements
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