Provider Portals & Proda Overview

What is the Ndis myPlace Provider Portal?

The Ndis myPlace Provider portal is for:

  • Making payment requests for services provided to participants
  • Managing and viewing details of agreements with participants
  • Viewing registration details
  • Instant messaging with participants.
  • Service Bookings​
  • Proda Account required to access
  • Ndis Commission Portal 



What is the Ndis Commission Provider Portal?

The NDIS Commission Provider Portal is for:

  • NDIS Worker Screening Checks
  • NDIS Registration Applications & Auditing 
  • Notifications of critical incidents. 
  • Notifcations of behavioural supports & restrictive practices.
  • Separate Portals for Unregistered & Registered Providers. 
  • Proda Account required to access

CLICK HERE - Access ​NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission Providers Portal


What is PRODA?

Provider Digital Access (PRODA) is an online identity verification and authentication system that lets you securely access a range of government online services for unregistered & registered providers.  

Think of PRODA like this!

Centrelink, ATO, Medicare  - Access it through Mygov. 

Ndis & Ndis Commission  - Access it through Proda. 


What are quick Reference Guides?

The ndis commission has released quick, easy-to-use guides for unregistered and registered providers on how to use Proda to access claiming, registration, worker screening etc. To view or download:


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