Business Performance Management Overview

What is Business Performance Management?

Overall business performance can be defined as the ability of a business to implement a strategy to achieve organisational objectives and business goals.


How to Measure Business Performance?
Business performance is based on information collected from data and metrics. Business performance is measured using the following strategies:

  • Business productivity 
  • Business benchmarking
  • Net asset and/or sales growth
  • Innovation growth
  • New client & employee onboardings
  • Existing client & employee retention
  • Client, employee & stakeholder satisfaction ratings
  • Enquiries and traffic - Contact points
  • Networking and engagement activities
  • Management & employee supervision & performance
  • Continuous improvement based on complaints, incidents & feedback system information
  • Internal & External Audits


What are Internal & External Audits?

Provider Internal Audits
Internal audits are a way to provide an unbiased review of how your service systems and processes are operating. Internal audits are completed & used by management to ensure policies and procedures are being implemented the way they were intended and consistently across your service. An internal audit aims to identify weaknesses within the service processes to fix them as quickly as possible to prevent harm to the service or its stakeholders. Internal audits are a part of the Quality Management System.

Provider External Auditing & Registration Renewals 
As a registered provider, you will undergo either a ‘verification’ or ‘certification’ quality audit. The NDIS Commission will advise you of the type of audit you require based on your registration group(s).

Verification Audits
In a verified audit cycle, there is 1x audit every 3 years. An approved external quality auditor will complete a desktop review. Providers must show evidence of:
relevant qualifications;
expertise and experience;
incident management processes/policies;
complaints management processes/policies; and
risk management processes/policies.

Certification Audits
Approved external quality auditor will complete a desktop & in-person review. Assessment includes core capabilities, such as:
risk management;
delivery of support;
the delivery environment; and
governance and operational management

In a certified audit cycle, this is a re-certification audit every 3 years with a midterm audit every 18 months between each. NDIS providers that deliver services and supports within the High-Intensity Daily Personal Activities registration group will be assessed against the High-Intensity Skills Descriptors.


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