What is the process to become a ndis registered provider?
Ndis Registration Process Steps
Choose what services, supports, or products you wish to provide and familiarise yourself with each registration number/code attached to that category. (See above)
Purchase, review & update your paper-based or electronic policies, procedures, forms, registered & plans, etc
Log into the NDIS Commission portal and go to the ‘My Registration’ tab to get started. Complete the online application form and supply/ complete the following information:
- Your organisation’s contact details.
- Your corporate structure
- Your outlets/places of operation
- Your crucial personnel registration groups your organisation will provide.
Complete a self-assessment against the NDIS Practice Standards relevant to the supports and services your organisation wants to deliver to participants and upload any documents required as evidence. You can save the form and return to it for completion at any time within 60 days.
After you submit your online application, you will email an ‘initial scope of audit’ document from the NDIS Commission. This document outlines whether you require a ‘verification’ or ‘certification’ audit and what your organisation needs to supply as evidence to comply with the relevant NDIS Practice Standards. It is your responsibility as the applicant to choose and engage an approved quality auditor to undertake the audit. You can request a quote from more than one auditor to decide. They will use the ‘initial scope of audit’ document to provide a quote for their services. You can also discuss your specific needs and circumstances with auditors to negotiate the best value. To find an approved quality auditor, visit https://www.ndiscommission.gov.au/resources/find-auditor-additional-text.
Undergo an audit of Stages 1 and 2. After you have selected an approved quality auditor, they will check that the audit scope is accurate and begin the audit process. The process differs for ‘verification’ and ‘certification’ audits - See What is Verification & Certification article. Auditors will also complete their assessment, taking into consideration your organisation’s size and scale and the scope and complexity of the services being delivered, into consideration. The auditor will complete their written audit report and submit it to the NDIS Commission for consideration and final approval.
The NDIS Commission assess your application. In determining your registration application, the NDIS Commission will consider the outcomes of the audit and conduct a suitability assessment of your organisation and key personnel. For successful applicants: you will receive a provider number, and certificate of registration outlining the services or supports you are registered to provide, the period of registration, and any conditions you must follow to keep your registration. For unsuccessful applicants, you may contact the NDIS Commission to request a review within three months of the decision. If your application is still unsuccessful following the review, you may seek a further review by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.
What is a suitability assessment?
The NDIS Commission assesses the suitability of NDIS providers and their key personnel to deliver NDIS support and services. This includes whether the NDIS provider or their crucial personnel have:
- Previously been a registered NDIS provider.
- Had a banning order in place.
- Any past convictions have been insolvent under administration.
- Had any relevant authorities taken adverse findings or enforcement action?
- Been the subject of findings or judgment about fraud, misrepresentation, or dishonesty.
- Have been disqualified from managing corporations.
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