What is the difference between verification & certification registration?
Verification vs Certification Registration
It will depend on what services, supports, or products you wish to provide and have nominated to provide during your online portal application. A good consultant or your selected auditor will assist you in determining the type of verification and/or certification audit you will be required to complete. Please ensure that you supply your “Scope of Audit” email attachment after your online application and self-assessment to your selected auditor.
- Verification = Stage 1 audit
- Verification + Certification = Stage 1 + 2 audit
Stage 1
A “Verification Audit” is a “lighter touch” desk-top audit. This means only your Policies, Procedures, Forms, Registered, Plans, etc, along with any evidence documents, are sent to your selected auditor for review and audit. A Stage 1 Auditor Outcome Report will be sent to you within weeks of the audit. The auditor’s report will notify you of a successful audit completion or not. If not, any non-conformances will be identified, and a timeframe will be issued for re-submission. At this point, depending on your chosen services, your audit will take two directions. These being:
The auditor will upload a final report to the NDIS Commission portal for NDIS Commission Verification Only Registration Approval. The Ndis Commission will issue you a Provider Number, and you can commence your service/s.
Or you commence Stage 2 audit.
Stage 2
A “Certification Audit” is a more detailed audit requiring site visits, performance assessments through interviews with carers, participants, and their families, and document and file reviews. At the Stage 2 Audit, your auditor will visit the NDIS Provider’s head office and a sample of sites where services are delivered. The auditor will assess compliance with the NDIS Practice Standards through document reviews, service delivery observation, and interviews with employees and participants. A Stage 2 Auditor Outcome Report will be issued to you within weeks. The auditor’s report will notify you of a successful audit completion or not. If not, any non-conformances will be identified, and a timeframe will be issued for re-submission. The auditor will upload a final report to the NDIS Commission portal for NDIS Commission Verification & Certification Registration Approval. The Ndis Commission will issue you a Provider Number, and you can commence your service/s.
The role of an auditor is to provide recommendations to the NDIS Commission. Your successful registration or not is solely determined by the NDIS Commission and at their discretion.
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