What is registration renewal?

What are the 2 types of Registration Renewal?


Type 1 - Mid-term or Periodic Renewal

Registered NDIS providers must undertake an NDIS mid-term audit within 18 months of registration, as shown on the registration certificate. This renewal occurs after contacting your previously used auditing company OR a new auditing provider. You do NOT have to update anything in the Ndis Commission Portal. PLEASE NOTE that you will have on quick back to back renewals as it goes by the date on your registration certificate. between the Mid-term & 3yr renewal.


Type 2 - 3 year Renewal

Registered NDIS providers must undertake an NDIS full renewal every 3 years, as shown on the registration certificate. The process for renewing Certification Registration is the same steps as a new registration application via the self-assessment on the ndis commission portal. Please apply before the end of the period of registration specified on your certificate of registration to ensure your registration status does not lapse. 


Becoming a Registered Provider Guide


Becoming or Working as a Support Coordinator Guide


Choosing My Registration Categories/ Codes
