What is a "Risk-Assessed" Role?
Source Reference:
Ndis Commission Compliance and Enforcement - https://www.ndiscommission.gov.au/workers/worker-screening/ndis-worker-screening-check
What is a Risk-Assessed Role?
As a sole trader, unregistered & registered provider there are two types of risk-assessed roles requiring every person to hold a NDIS Worker Screening Check or an acceptable check under transitional and special arrangements. Roles that have been determined as not risk-assessed are not required to hold worker screening clearances.
- Employee, volunteer & contractor where there is actual or incidental contact with a client or ndis participant AND/OR
- Types of services & support offered by you as the provider.
Types of Actual or Incidental Contact?
Actual or incidental contact with a client may include:
- Physical contact
- Face-to-face contact
- Oral communication
- Written communication
- Electronic communication.
Types of Risk-Assessed Services & Supports
The following table lists the NDIS registration groups that have been determined risk-assessed roles:
- 0101 Accommodation / Tenancy Assistance (Respite only)
- 0108 Assistance with Travel/Transport Arrangements
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0127 Management of Funding for Supports in Participants’ Plans (WA ONLY)
- 0129 Specialised Driver Training
- 0130 Assistance Animals
- 0114 Community Nursing Care
- 0119 Specialised Hearing Services
- 0121 Interpreting and Translation
- 0126 Exercise Physiology and Personal Training
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
- 0134 Hearing Services
- 0135 Customised Prosthetics
- 0109 Vehicle Modifications
- 0111 Home Modifications
- 0103 Assistive Products for Personal Care and Safety
- 0112 Assistive Equipment for Recreation
- 0113 Vision Equipment
- 0122 Hearing Equipment
- 0123 Assistive Products for Household Tasks
- 0124 Communication and Information Equipment
- 0102 Assistance to Access and Maintain Employment or Higher Education
- 0104 High-Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0105 Personal Mobility Equipment
- 0106 Assistance in Coordinating or Managing Life Stages, Transitions and Supports
- 0107 Daily Personal Activities
- 0115 Assistance with Daily Life Tasks (Short-Term Accommodation)
- 0117 Development of Daily Living and Life Skills
- 0118 Early Intervention Supports for Early Childhood
- 0125 Participation in Community, Social, and Civic Activities
- 0132 Specialised Support Coordination
- 0133 Specialised Supported Employment
- 0136 Group and Centre-Based Activities
- 0131 Specialised Disability Accommodation
- 0110 Specialist Positive Behaviour Support
Owner/ Managers Role & Responsibilities
The Owner/Managers or delegate is responsible for:
- Determining the type of services & support
- Determine employee/s, volunteer/s & contractor/s each risk-assessed role
- Apply for/check all worker screening checks
- Monitor for worker screening clearances including any restrictions or rejections
- Implement & monitor all personnel supervision if awaiting clearance
- Implement & regularly update risk-assessed role register.
Risk-Assessed Role Register
Employees, volunteers or contractors roles and clearance check details are recorded in the Risk Assessed Role Register. The Risk Assessed Role Register will document:
- risk assessed role tile
- description of the role
- type of risk-assessed role (as contained in the NDIS (Practice Standards - Worker Screening) Rules 2018)
- date risk assessed role determined
- employees or contractors who are role assessed
- the name and title of the person who made the assessment.
When a new risk-assessed role is identified (or a current role is reclassified as a risk-assessed role following a review), the Risk-Assessed Role Register must be updated within 20 business days of the identification (or review) of the risk-assessed role. For each employee, volunteer or contractor working in a risk-assessed role, the Owner/Managers or delegate should document all relevant details in the Risk-Assessed Role Register. The information documented includes:
- the full name, date of birth and address of the employee or contractor
- the risk-assessed role or roles in which the employee or contractors engages
- if the worker or contractor may engage in a risk-assessed role without an NDIS worker screening clearance:
- the basis on which they may do so (refer to sections below regarding the exemptions to the requirement for a worker to have an NDIS Worker Screening clearance)
- the start and end date of the period in which the exemption that allows them to work in a risk-engaged role applies
- the name of the staff member or contractor who supervises the worker during this period if relevant
- the worker’s or contractor's NDIS Worker Screening Check application reference number
- the worker’s or contractor NDIS Worker Screening Check the outcome expiry date
- whether the worker’s or contractor's NDIS Worker Screening Check is subject to any decision which has the effect that the Manager or delegate may not allow the worker to engage in a risk-assessed role, and the nature of any such decision (i.e. interim bar, suspension, exclusion)
- records relating to an interim bar, a suspension, an exclusion, or any action taken by the provider concerning these kinds of decisions concerning any worker
- allegations of misconduct against a worker or contractor with a check and the registered NDIS provider's action in response to that allegation
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