What documents do I need as a ndis provider?
What templates & documents do I need to start?
As a Unregistered Provider under the Ndis Commission, Ndis Act 2013, Privacy Act 1988, Competition and Consumer Act 2010, ASIC, ATO etc. you are required to implement mandatory documents such as consent forms, service agreements, complaints & incident management system etc.
Other considerations you will be required to think about are what we call Quality Practices Areas. This means you are not bound & regulated by acts, legislation, operational guidelines & standards; however, it is highly recommended for best practice to implement documentation. Quality Practice is dependent on the type of services you wish to provide such as Handling Client’s Money, Medication Administration etc. PLEASE NOTE - We have a "complete" mandatory document list in our Becoming a Sole Trader or Unregistered Provider Guide - See Below
As a Registered Provider under the Ndis Commission, Ndis Act 2013, Privacy Act 1988, Competition and Consumer Act 2010, ASIC, ATO etc. you are required to implement mandatory documents as per your audit against the Practice Standards & Quality indicators. Refer to Register a Service section.
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