URGENT - New Price Guide Changes

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has announced changes to National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) pricing, ahead of proposed broader reforms that will strengthen the NDIS provider market.

The APR sets the maximum price limits that NDIS providers and health professionals are permitted to charge when providing services to NDIS participants.

This year, the key changes include the following:

  • Fully implementing the Fair Work Commission's decision to increase minimum wages in awards and superannuation, ensuring providers can fairly compensate their workers. 
  • Increasing price limits for supports that are determined by the NDIS DSW Cost Model, including Level 1 support coordination services, to reflect changes in the minimum wages following the Fair Work Commission’s Annual Wage Review.
  • Increasing the price limits for psychologists, nurses and other supports based on how much wages and the cost of living have gone up. 
  • Maintaining existing pricing arrangements and price limits for therapy (except for psychologists) and support coordination level 2 and 3. 
  • Adjusting short-notice cancellation period for non-Disability Support Worker-related supports to 2 business days to better reflect market norms. 


LINE ITEM NUMBERS - Comparing old to new Price Guide 

Items Added (15)

  • 03_091800084_0103_1_1
  • 03_092100082_0103_1_1
  • 03_092400080_0103_1_1
  • 03_092700081_0103_1_1
  • 03_092700083_0103_1_1
  • 03_093021078_0103_1_1
  • 03_093021079_0103_1_1
  • 03_093040085_0103_1_1
  • 06_182495413_0111_2_2
  • 06_182495414_0111_2_2
  • 10_002_0106_8_3
  • 10_101_0106_6_3
  • 10_806_0133_5_1
  • 15_300_0103_1_3
  • 15_799_0106_6_3


Items Removed (65)

  • 01_002_0107_1_1_T
  • 01_011_0107_1_1_T
  • 01_012_0107_1_1_T
  • 01_013_0107_1_1_T
  • 01_014_0107_1_1_T
  • 01_015_0107_1_1_T
  • 01_400_0104_1_1_T
  • 01_401_0104_1_1_T
  • 01_402_0104_1_1_T
  • 01_403_0104_1_1_T
  • 01_404_0104_1_1_T
  • 01_405_0104_1_1_T
  • 01_825_0115_1_1
  • 03_092403054_0103_1_1
  • 03_092403055_0103_1_1
  • 03_092406057_0103_1_1
  • 03_092406058_0103_1_1
  • 03_092406059_0103_1_1
  • 03_092406061_0103_1_1
  • 03_092406062_0103_1_1
  • 03_092406063_0103_1_1
  • 03_092488056_0103_1_1
  • 03_092489060_0103_1_1
  • 03_092718064_0103_1_1
  • 03_093012065_0103_1_1
  • 03_093012066_0103_1_1
  • 03_093012067_0103_1_1
  • 03_093012068_0103_1_1
  • 03_093015069_0103_1_1
  • 03_093018070_0103_1_1
  • 03_093018071_0103_1_1
  • 03_093018072_0103_1_1
  • 03_093018073_0103_1_1
  • 03_093021074_0103_1_1
  • 03_093021075_0103_1_1
  • 03_093021076_0103_1_1
  • 03_093021077_0103_1_1
  • 03_093036132_0103_1_1
  • 03_093045133_0103_1_1
  • 04_102_0125_6_1_T
  • 04_102_0136_6_1_T
  • 04_103_0125_6_1_T
  • 04_103_0136_6_1_T
  • 04_104_0125_6_1_T
  • 04_104_0136_6_1_T
  • 04_105_0125_6_1_T
  • 04_105_0136_6_1_T
  • 04_106_0125_6_1_T
  • 04_106_0136_6_1_T
  • 04_400_0104_1_1_T
  • 04_401_0104_1_1_T
  • 04_402_0104_1_1_T
  • 04_403_0104_1_1_T
  • 04_404_0104_1_1_T
  • 04_600_0104_6_1_T
  • 04_601_0104_6_1_T
  • 04_602_0104_6_1_T
  • 04_603_0104_6_1_T
  • 04_604_0104_6_1_T
  • 04_801_0133_5_1_T
  • 04_802_0133_5_1_T
  • 04_803_0133_5_1_T
  • 04_804_0133_5_1_T
  • 04_805_0133_5_1_T
  • 15_799_0106_1_3