URGENT - New Cancellation Times (Non-Support Workers)

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has announced changes to National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) pricing, ahead of proposed broader reforms that will strengthen the NDIS provider market. The APR sets the maximum price limits that NDIS providers and health professionals are permitted to charge when providing services to NDIS participants.

This year, one of the key changes includes:

  • Adjusting short-notice cancellation period for non-Disability Support Worker-related supports to 2 business days to better reflect market norms. 



Please review your service agreement template to now include this new short notice cancellation period. We recommend that participants and providers have a service agreement to ensure clarity regarding the agreed-upon terms. Service agreements help make sure participants and providers have the same expectations of what supports will be delivered and how they will be delivered.

This should also include agreements for short notice cancellations.