Understanding Client & Provider Cancellations

Claiming & Understanding Client Cancellations

Where an unregistered or registered provider has a Short Notice Cancellation (or no-show), they are able to claim 100% of the agreed fee associated with the activity from the client’s Ndis Plan, subject to the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits and as per the terms of the service agreement with the client and/or representative.

A cancellation is a short-notice cancellation if the client:

1. Does not show up for scheduled support within a reasonable time, or is not present at the agreed place and within a reasonable time when the unregistered or registered provider is travelling to deliver the support; or

2. Has given less than seven (7) clear days’ notice for support.

3. For support delivered to a group of clients, if a client cancels their attendance and if the unregistered or registered provider is unable to find another client to attend the group session in their place, then if the other requirements for a short notice cancellation are met, the provider is permitted to bill the client who has made the short notice cancellation


Claiming & Understanding Provider Cancellations

If the unregistered or registered provider cannot provide services and support to the client for reasons known or unknown to the provider, no charges or claims for scheduled support will be charged where the unregistered or registered provider has failed to deliver the service.  All proposed changes to services and support must be discussed with the client and/or representative verbally and in writing within 7 days prior. 


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More Information..

Ndis Price Guide - See Page 22 - https://www.ndis.gov.au/provid...