Nutrition Supports inc. Meal Preparation Operational Guidelines

What are Ndis Operational Guidelines?

The Operational Guidelines set out some of the NDIA’s operational information. They are based on the NDIS Legislation and Rules. They explain what we must consider and how we make decisions based on the legislation.

Nutrition Support including Meal Preparation

Everybody needs food and drink to stay healthy. A participant's disability may mean trouble preparing food for themselves, eating enough, or understanding the nutrition they need. This could be because of physical, cognitive, or psychosocial disability. Ndis may fund nutrition support to help with this. Nutrition support might include nutritional supplements or a dietitian to create a meal plan for the participant. It might also include someone to help to follow a meal plan. Or it may be someone to help  plan, shop for, and prepare meals if the participant's disability means having trouble doing this for themselves. In some situations, nutrition support may include getting meals prepared and delivered or nutritional support including products and equipment for HEN. Browse the guideline using the links or download a copy:

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