Marketing, advertising & networking as as ndis provider

Welcome to the most misunderstood, frustrating, and overwhelming part of owning and managing a disability service. Let’s have open and honest conversation! Yes, it’s completely fine to feel like you’re taking 2 steps forward and 20 back. You are not just the journey of opening doors BUT kicking doors down, ringing doorbells repeatedly, beating on windows and crawling through any open gaps…lol. Over & over & over again.

There is no magical list of participants. You will not get referrals from NDIS, NDIS Planners, or LACs. You don’t get send participants just because you’ve got ndis registered. Participants don’t find you; you find them and you will not be able to find them by sitting behind a desk or computer screen. This means your traditional and non-traditional forms of marketing and advertising will be the key to attracting & finding participants. Let’s learn more!


Will I get clients sent to me from NDIS?

There is no magical list of clients; you will not get referrals from NDIS, NDIS Planners, or LACs except particular services such as Support Coordination. Your traditional and non-traditional forms of marketing and advertising will be the key to attracting clients.


Understanding the Individual
As a sole trader, unregistered or registered provider do you understand, know and get the people who live and breathe this every day? As a provider have you ever thought about what a participant thinks and/or feels? For example - You want to come into my world, my house and my life, well then, I need to know you!! I need you to show me that you understand and get me and want to live life with me. Don't hand me flyers or business cards. This doesn’t interest me. Talk to me. Show me what you stand for as a provider?


Understanding the Industry
The Participant Portal is locked down to a 50km radius. This means participants can only view the providers within a 50km radius from their home address. For example - I live 36kms outside of Toowoomba QLD. I am not able to view providers on the other side of Toowoomba. Providers who have registered their main office in another location but are servicing my district also will not show as available to me. For this reason, all providers must proactively participate in traditional & non-traditional forms of marketing, advertising & networking.  


Understanding Yourself
As a sole trader, registered or unregistered provider do you really understand and know yourself. How do you present yourself, communicate, interact, manage the business and lead a team? Do you know everything you could possibly know about NDIS & NDIS Commission, living with a disability, policies & procedures, diagnoses, effective communication, conflict resolution and so on?


Understanding Your Business
As a sole trader, unregistered or registered provider do you really know your service and what you’re trying to achieve? Empowerment, Engagement, Opportunities, Independence, Achieving Goals, Choice, Living Life, and Team are just words. What does these words mean to you? WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO ACHIEVE WILL ALWAYS COME FROM YOUR PASSION. Look into your heart, mind & soul and ask yourself “what does person-centre care & making a difference look like every day on the ground, to me. Ask yourself, document your answers and define.  

Once your true passion is defined and documented it than can naturally flow through your business, to clients, families, and the team. Once defined, you can easily document your passion, develop your mission & vision statements, complete your marketing & advertising material and voice your passion to others. You will also recruit, train, develop policies & procedures, hold conversations, mentor, and supervise using this same passion.

This ultimate method of defining and documenting your true passion, draws out the look and feel for your service, stops your service coming across as a money-making business and ensures that you remain focused on the reasons why.

Opportunities of Engagement

Opportunities of engagement mean you are putting yourself, the business and the team in places where you are able to share your passion. This can be achieved on multiple forms of Traditional or Non-Traditional marketing, advertising & networking platforms. It is imperative that marketing, advertising & networking be conducted by you and all of your team. Opportunities of engagement is not about sending emails and flyers. This process is about getting to know others and showing that you can be trusted, consistent, caring and professional. This industry is all about "word of mouth". You will make a bigger impact by holding a 5-minute conversation than by spending thousands on marketing and advertising campaigns.


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Would you like some support to navigate the ndis, ndis commission, start-up, daily operations, legislation, compliance or service delivery implementation? Become a Member @ OR Book an Appointment/Training @ Book or Speak to a DCA Consultant TODAY!


Learn More Today With DCA!

See below our guide/s to learn even more. Access a complete list of people to contact etc 


How Do I Find Clients Guide?


Marketing, Networking Suggestions & Solutions Guide
