Employee Supervision & Appraisal Overview

What is informal Employee Supervision and Appraisal?

Supervision meetings are NOT Performance Management meetings. A senior person/s in the business should conduct supervision meetings to monitor, assist, support, train, teach, mentor and review an employee's professional development. This meeting is conducted as an informal "catch-up" style of meeting to receive feedback, offer support and/or training, and guide and assist the employee. Supervision is conducted monthly following this method:

STEP 1 - The manager notifies the employee of the meeting (by phone or email) and arranges a face-to-face or over-the-phone meeting
STEP 2 - Meeting between manager & employee
STEP 3 - Manager offers support & assistance to the employee (internally & externally)
STEP 4 - The manager completes the employee file note - DOWNLOAD HERE - Employee File Note Form 
STEP 5 - The manager actions any outcomes
STEP 6 - The manager files the File Note Form on the employee's personal file 
STEP 7 - The manager books the next meeting date & time and notifies the employee (by phone or email)


What is formal Employee Supervision and Appraisal?

Performance appraisal meetings are NOT Performance Management meetings. A senior person/s in the business conducts Performance Appraisal meetings to measure and report an employee's progress and work performance aligned with the business strategies. Appraisals are conducted quarterly by following this method:

STEP 1 - The manager notifies the employee in writing of the meeting (email) and arranges a face-to-face meeting
STEP 2 - Meeting between manager & employee
STEP 3 - The manager offers support & assistance to the employee (internally & externally)
STEP 4 - The manager completes the Employee Appraisal Form - DOWNLOAD HERE - Employee Supervision & Appraisal Form
STEP 5 - The manager actions any outcomes
STEP 6 - The manager files the Employee Appraisal Form on the employee's personal file - DOWNLOAD HERE - Employee Supervision & Appraisal Form
STEP 7 - The manager books the next meeting date & time and notifies the employee in writing (email)


Employee Supervision & Appraisal Meeting Annual Schedule

January​ - Supervision 
February - Supervision 
March - Appraisal 
April - Supervision 
May - Supervision 
June - Appraisal 
July - Supervision 
August - Supervision 
September  - Appraisal 
October - Supervision 
November - Supervision 
December - Appraisal 

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More Information...

Unregistered & Registered Providers Code of Conduct - https://www.ndiscommission.gov.au/about/ndis-code-conduct#:~:text=Jake-,The%20NDIS%20Code%20of%20Conduct,privacy%20of%20people%20with%20disability