Employee Probation Period Overview

Source Reference

Fair Work - https://www.fairwork.gov.au/starting-employment/probation.


What is an Employee Probation Period?

Probation is an initial period of employment as per the position contract that allows managers to assess the employee's suitability for a role. 


What is the length of a Probation Period?

An employer usually decides on the length of the probation period. It often ranges from 3 to 6 months, beginning from when the employee starts.


Can a probation period be terminated?

A manager can end an employee's appointment at any time during probation if the employee is unable to meet expectations.


Employee Entitlements during the Probation Period?

While on probation, employees continue to receive the same entitlements as someone who isn’t in a probation period. If hired on a full-time or part-time basis, an employee on probation is entitled to:

  • accrue and access their paid leave entitlements such as annual leave and sick leave. 
    If an employee doesn’t pass their probation, they are still entitled to:
  • receive notice when employment ends
  • have their unused accumulated annual leave hours paid out. 


Employee Probation Meetings

Any employee who is under probation as per their employee contract should be scheduled probation meetings with a Manager or delegate. These meetings provide opportunities to have meaningful conversations on how things are progressing. It is where the employees can ask questions such as, are we focused on the right things? From a rapport point of view, these conversations help show team members' values etc. A Manager or delegate should identify and address any concerns or issues with the employment of the team member during the probation period and decide at the last month's mark whether to continue with the probation period or not. If successful or unsuccessful, you should notify the person in writing within 7 days of the relevant date.  


Probation Period Tips & Tricks

Probation timeframes should always be 6 months. A person can hide personalities, traits, work practices etc., for 3 months but not for 6 months.  Probation is your best friend as a manager. Use it! Supervise, mentor and monitor using this timeframe. Get feedback from others. Harsh!!!! Yes, but you do not have to time to be a babysitter. 


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See below our guide/s to learn even more. 


Employee Appraisal or Supervision Form


Performance Management Plan


Supervision & Performance Management Procedure
