Disability-Related Health Supports Operational Guidelines

What are Ndis Operational Guidelines?

The Operational Guidelines set out some of the NDIA’s operational information. They are based on the NDIS Legislation and Rules. They explain what we must consider and how we make decisions based on the legislation.

Disability-Related Health Supports

Disability-related health supports are health supports that relate directly to the functional impact of the participant's disability. If a participant needs help managing a health condition because of your disability, we may fund disability-related health support to help you manage that condition. This could include expert training for the participant or providers. Supports could also include someone to provide some disability-related health support for you and some specific types of equipment. Funding will not support treating the health condition as the Australian health system provides health services to everyone for illnesses or chronic health conditions. Browse the guideline using the links or download a copy: https://ourguidelines.ndis.gov...

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More Information...

Ndis Operational Guidelines - https://www.ndis.gov.au/about-...