Behaviour Support Plan Development

What is a Behaviour Support Plan?

A "Behaviour Support Plan" (BSP) is a plan that assists a person with disability, their family, carers, and other support people in building positive behaviours to replace or reduce a challenging/dangerous behaviour. 

Who Requires a Behaviour Support Plan (BSP)?

A person with a disability who has needs that are identified as having complex behaviours of concern. 

Developing a Behaviour Support Plan (BSP):

  • Uphold the rights of people with disability and take all reasonable steps to reduce and eliminate
    the need for, and use of regulated restrictive practices.
  • Develop high quality, evidence-informed behaviour support plans that comply with all
    requirements as set out in the Rules and in any state or territory authorisation requirements
    (however described).
  • Develop behaviour support plans in consultation with people with disability and the people who
    support them.
  • Provide people with disability and their supporters with behaviour support plans and other
    information (e.g., in relation to the use of regulated restrictive practices) in appropriately
    accessible formats.
  • Support the effective implementation of behaviour support plans to meet the needs of the
    person with disability.
  • Measure, monitor and evaluate outcomes, including improvements in quality of life, behaviour
    change and steps to reduce and eliminate restrictive practice.
  • Provide responsive, timely and appropriate supports to meet the person’s needs in a safe and
    competent manner, consistent with the NDIS Code of Conduct and the relevant Practice
  • Have policies, procedures and processes to:
    a. Ensure person-centred supports that uphold participant’s human and legal rights, and enable
    them to exercise informed choice and control
    b. Manage risk, safeguard participants and increase the quality of behaviour support provided
    c. Build the capabilities of NDIS behaviour support practitioners
    d. Implement quality management systems that promote a culture of continuous improvement.

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