Assistance Animals including Guide Dog Operational Guidelines

What are Ndis Operational Guidelines?

The Operational Guidelines set out some of the NDIA’s operational information. They are based on the NDIS Legislation and Rules. They explain what we must consider and how we make decisions based on the legislation.

Assistance Animals, including Dog Guides

Assistance animals, including dog guides, are animals specially trained to help participants do things they can’t do because of their disability. Like all our funded supports, ndis only fund assistance animals that meet our funding criteria. Ndis look at whether the assistance animal is disability-related support that will help the participant with disability support needs. Ndis can only fund an assistance animal if it’s effective and beneficial based on evidence and is value for money. Ndis also need to ensure it meets the definition of an assistance animal and is trained by an accredited provider. It must be able to actively do at least three tasks that a participant can’t do because of their disability. We’ll also check if the assistance animal has passed the public access test. This is so we know it will be able to support you in the community. Browse the guideline using the links or download a copy:

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