Accommodation Operational Guidelines

What are Ndis Operational Guidelines?

The Operational Guidelines set out some of the NDIA’s operational information. They are based on the NDIS Legislation and Rules. They explain what we must consider and how we make decisions based on the legislation.

Specialist Disability Accommodation

Some people living with disability have very high support needs. This could mean they need to live in a specially designed house. We call this specialist disability accommodation. Most participants don’t need to live in specialist disability accommodation, and there may be other home and living supports that are more suitable. Browse the guideline using the link or download a copy:

Supported Independent Living

Supported independent living is one type of support to help a participant live in a home. It includes help or supervision with daily tasks, like personal care or cooking meals. It helps you live as independently as possible while building your skills. Supported independent living is for people with higher support needs, who need some level of help at home all the time. Browse the guideline using the links or download a copy:


Medium-term accommodation

Ndis funds medium-term accommodation so participants have somewhere to live if they can't move into a long-term home because their disability supports aren't ready. To be eligible, participants must have a home to move into and need somewhere else to live in the medium term. Ndis usually funds medium-term accommodation for up to 90 days. Browse the guideline using the links or download a copy:

Individualised living options

An individualised living option is support to live the way that suits the participant. It is funding to help the participant choose where they live, who with and how they want to be supported. First, ndis provide funding to design support, and then to implement and maintain the support. This support is designed to give the participant a sense of home and belonging and to build independence. The participant decides who they live with and how they, and other supports including family, friends and other networks, support them. It can include things like personal care, support to build your skills, or support with household tasks like cooking, cleaning or washing. Informal support like family, friends and other networks can complement your paid support. Browse the guideline using the links or download a copy:


Short Term Accommodation or Respite

Short Term Accommodation, including respite, is funding for support and accommodation for a short time away from the participant's usual home. It covers the cost of care in another place for up to 14 days at a time. The participant might have a short stay with other people, or by themselves. It’s often funded when the usual carers aren’t available, or for the participant to try new things. Browse the guideline using the links or download a copy;


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