Become a Sole Trader or Unregistered Provider

Source Reference:

Ndis Commission Compliance and Enforcement -


Should I Start Working as a Sole Trader or registered Provider? 
If you are wanting to start or expand your service to offer low-complex supports such as In-home or Community Supports, Group or Hub, Respite etc than being a sole trader or unregistered provider is for you. What also works in your favour is the fact that nation-wide 30% of participants are self-managed and 58% are plan managed meaning the decision to start as a sole trader or unregister provider is optimal.  


Will I Get Send Clients to me From Ndis? 
No. There is no magical list of clients, and you will not get referrals from Ndis, Ndis Planners or LAC’s.  Your traditional and non-traditional forms of a marketing and advertising still will need to occur to attracts clients.


Business vs Ndis Registration?
As an individual or business, you will be required to register for an Australian Business Number (ABN) or Australian Company Number (ACN) for Australian Taxation Office (ATO) purposes. However, under the Ndis legislation, an individual or business can then operate as an unregistered or registered ndis provider.


What is a Sole Trader, Independent Support Worker, or Unregistered Provider?
An unregistered provider is an individual or business (with an ABN/ACN) who provides services, support or products to a NDIS participant/s. Unregistered providers are required to follow the NDIS and NDIS Commission legislation, standards, price guide and guidelines but are not fully registered with the NDIS Commission by an external ndis commission approved auditor.


Is a Sole Trader or Independent Support Worker known as an Unregistered Provider, and can they offer the same services? 
Yes. A sole trader and unregistered provider are the same and can offer the same services, support, or product.  

What Type of NDIS Participants Can I Support as an Unregistered Provider? 
NDIS participant/s who are self-managed, plan-managed or a combination of—This means the participants NDIS Plan is managed by themselves or a paid ndis registered company. Sole traders/unregistered providers can NOT provider services, support, or products to agency-managed participants.


How Do I Get Paid as an Unregistered Provider? 
Your client will tell you how their plan is managed and by whom OR this information is written on their NDIS Plan. To claim the money if the participant is self-managed, you will send the invoice directly to the NDIS participant or their guardian. If plan-managed, you will need to contact the participants chosen Plan Manager so they can set up a provider portal or receive further instructions.  The plan manager will pay you directly.


How do I Calculate my Payrate as an Unregistered Provider? 
As a Sole Trader or Unregistered Provider, you will invoice (as instructions above) to claim and pay yourself the total amount under the Ndis Price Guide OR pay self the pay rates under the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award (SCHADS).


What services can I provide as an Unregistered Provider?

•    0101    Accommodation / Tenancy Assistance (Respite only)
•    0108    Assistance with Travel/Transport Arrangements
•    0116    Innovative Community Participation
•    0120    Household Tasks
•    0127    Management of Funding for Supports in Participants’ Plans (WA ONLY)
•    0129    Specialised Driver Training
•    0130    Assistance Animals
•    0114    Community Nursing Care
•    0119    Specialised Hearing Services
•    0121    Interpreting and Translation
•    0126    Exercise Physiology and Personal Training
•    0128    Therapeutic Supports
•    0134    Hearing Services
•    0135    Customised Prosthetics
•    0109    Vehicle Modifications
•    0111    Home Modifications
•    0103    Assistive Products for Personal Care and Safety
•    0105    Personal Mobility Equipment
•    0112    Assistive Equipment for Recreation
•    0113    Vision Equipment
•    0122    Hearing Equipment
•    0123    Assistive Products for Household Tasks
•    0124    Communication and Information Equipment
•    0102     Assistance to Access and Maintain Employment or Higher Education
•    0104     High-Intensity Daily Personal Activities
•    0106     Assistance in Coordinating or Managing Life Stages, Transitions and Supports
•    0107     Daily Personal Activities
•    0115     Assistance with Daily Life Tasks (Short-Term Accommodation)
•    0117    Development of Daily Living and Life Skills
•    0118     Early Intervention Supports for Early Childhood
•    0125     Participation in Community, Social, and Civic Activities
•    0132    Specialised Support Coordination
•    0133     Specialised Supported Employment
•    0136     Group and Centre-Based Activities


What Services Can I NOT offer as an Unregistered Provider?
An unregistered provider you are NOT able to provide the following supports or services:
•    0131    Specialised Disability Accommodation
•    0110    Specialist Positive Behaviour Support
•    supports or services during which there is or is likely to be a need to use a regulated restrictive practice.

•    specialist behaviour supports that involve undertaking behaviour support assessment of the participant or developing a behaviour support plan for the participant.


Do I Need to Abide by the NDIS Price Guide as an Unregistered Provider?
Yes. Unregistered providers must adhere to the current NDIS Price Guide rates. Unregistered Providers can charge under the price guide rate but and never over.


How Much Does It Cost to Become an Unregistered Provider?    
To become a NDIS unregistered provider, the provider needs to consult with the appropriate authorities such as the Australian Taxation Office, Insurance Provider etc. Your business set-up costs will depend on your business and operational preferences, such as paper-based systems or software for accounting, client management, and rostering. Other associated costs with gaining your policies, procedures., forms etc.


Unregistered Provider & GST? 
Unregistered providers do not charge a NDIS participant for GST where the funding comes from NDIS. If the participant is paying for the services themselves, then yes, you must charge GST. At tax time as a business, you can be registered for GST to claim items such as fuel, running costs etc.


Unregistered Provider & Fee for Service? 
A fee for service is when a client pays you as an unregistered provider with their own money and NOT from NDIS funds. Unregistered providers set their own fee for service prices and can provide both. One service agreement to detail both services, supports or products.


Unregistered Provider & My Current/ Former Employer
Sole Traders or Unregistered Providers are not allowed to entice or solicit away or endeavor to entice or solicit away former clients, employees & suppliers with whom you had dealings during the last 12 months of the current or previous employment. Please review your current or previous employment contract before commencing as a Sole Trader or Unregistered Provider.


Can I Employ Staff as an Unregistered Provider?
Yes. As an unregistered provider you can employee or subcontract as many people as you wish as your systems and processes are relevant and proportional to the size and scale of you working as a provider.


How Many Clients Can I Have as an Unregistered Provider?    
As an unregistered provider you can provider services, support, or products to as many people as you wish as long as your systems and processes are relevant and proportional to the size and scale of you working as a provider.


How Do I Start Working as an Unregistered Provider?
Under the Ndis Commission, Ndis Act 2013, Privacy Act 1988, Competition and Consumer Act 2010, ASIC, ATO etc. you are required to complete mandatory obligations as an Unregistered Provider. These obligations are self-paced and once completed, you can start advertising, marketing, and working as an Unregistered Provider. Other considerations you will be required to think about and speak to one of our Ndis Consultants & Best Practice Coaches about. We call these Quality Practices Areas – You are not bound & regulated by acts, legislation, operational guidelines & standards; however, it is highly recommended for best practice dependant on the type of services you wish to provide such as Handling Client’s Money, Medication Administration etc.


Can DCA Help Me to Start My Service?
Yes definitely. As industry leaders in ndis navigation, we empower the future leaders with the ability to know. With practical, time-efficient & affordable advice, coaching, mentoring, information, support, resources, training, and tools our Ndis Consultants & Best Practice Coaches will support and guide you through full business start-up and into service delivery. We can help you with: 
•    ABN/ACN 
•    Logo, Mission, Vision, Values development, or refinement
•    Business, Risk and Marketing Plan development, or refinement
•    IT, Website & Program development, or refinement
•    Business & Strategic Planning development, or refinement
•    Industry Knowledge Development including reading ndis plans & the ndis price guide.
•    Procedure or Processes Optimisation
•    Business, Service & Operational Management
•    Legislation & Compliance Management
•    HR Management 
•    WHS & Risk Management
•    Clinical Governance Management
•    Incident & Complaints Management
•    Expansion & Growth Development 
•    450 + Policies, Procedures, Forms, Registers & Plans Templates or Development 
•    Marketing, Advertising & Networking including training for attracting clients. 


Where Do I Start?
We are here to help, inspire, prepare, challenge, and safeguard you to start your own service.  With 100% flexibility and different options for appointments, training sessions, individual purchases, no lock-in monthly or yearly subscriptions, free resources & ndis price guide navigator and more, we have given you the choice of how we can help you with support, systems, and solutions.

Option 1 – Guide + Checklist @

Option 2 - Starter Kit + Add On’s @ Work through the self-paced guides, information, and comprehensive checklists available to you in this guide and the starter kit. Download and fully customise your own templates that will allow you to start working as an unregistered provider and onboard clients immediately with ease and compliance. Get extra support from our Ndis Consultants & Best Practice Coaches if needed by booking an appointment @

Option 3 - Get a DCA Membership and be fully supported through the complete process @


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