Become a Registered Provider

Source Reference:

Ndis Commission Compliance and Enforcement -


Should I Get Ndis Registered?

Nation-wide 30% of participants are self-managed and 58% are plan managed meaning the decision to become a registered provider should be solely based on the type of services you wish to offer. If you are wanting to expand your service to offer complex supports such as Supported Independent Living and Complex Behaviour Support than registration is for you.


Business vs Ndis Registration?
As an individual or business, you will be required to register for an Australian Business Number (ABN) or Australian Company Number (ACN) for Australian Taxation Office (ATO) purposes. However, under the Ndis legislation, an individual or business can then operate as an unregistered or registered ndis provider.


What is a Registered Provider? 
A NDIS registered service provider is an individual or company that has completed a full external audit by Ndis Commission-approved auditors to meet Ndis Practice Standards. Registered providers are required to implement and review all elements of NDIS, NDIS Commission and other legislation, standards, and guidelines.


What type of Ndis participants can I support as a Registered Provider? 
NDIS participant/s who are agency-managed, self-managed, plan-managed or a combination of—This means the participants NDIS Plan is managed by themselves, a paid ndis registered company or NDIS directly.


How do I get paid as a Registered Provider? 
Your client will tell you how their plan is managed and by whom OR this information is written on their NDIS Plan. To claim the money if the participant is self-managed, you will send the invoice directly to the NDIS participant or their guardian. If plan-managed, you will need to contact the participants chosen Plan Manager so they can set up a provider portal or receive further instructions.  The plan manager will pay you directly. For agency-managed participants, you will claim through your provider portal and NDIS will pay you.


What services can I provide as a Registered Provider?

•    0101    Accommodation / Tenancy Assistance (Respite only)
•    0108    Assistance with Travel/Transport Arrangements
•    0116    Innovative Community Participation
•    0120    Household Tasks
•    0127    Management of Funding for Supports in Participants’ Plans (WA ONLY)
•    0129    Specialised Driver Training
•    0130    Assistance Animals
•    0114    Community Nursing Care
•    0119    Specialised Hearing Services
•    0121    Interpreting and Translation
•    0126    Exercise Physiology and Personal Training
•    0128    Therapeutic Supports
•    0134    Hearing Services
•    0135    Customised Prosthetics
•    0109    Vehicle Modifications
•    0111    Home Modifications
•    0103    Assistive Products for Personal Care and Safety
•    0112    Assistive Equipment for Recreation
•    0113    Vision Equipment
•    0122    Hearing Equipment
•    0123    Assistive Products for Household Tasks
•    0124    Communication and Information Equipment
•    0102     Assistance to Access and Maintain Employment or Higher Education
•    0104     High-Intensity Daily Personal Activities
•    0105    Personal Mobility Equipment
•    0106     Assistance in Coordinating or Managing Life Stages, Transitions and Supports
•    0107     Daily Personal Activities
•    0115     Assistance with Daily Life Tasks (Short-Term Accommodation)
•    0117    Development of Daily Living and Life Skills
•    0118     Early Intervention Supports for Early Childhood
•    0125     Participation in Community, Social, and Civic Activities
•    0132    Specialised Support Coordination
•    0133     Specialised Supported Employment
•    0136     Group and Centre-Based Activities
•    0131    Specialised Disability Accommodation
•    0110    Specialist Positive Behaviour Support


What Are the Steps to Become Registered?
1.    Choose what services, supports, or products you wish to provide and familiarize yourself with each registration number/code attached to that category. (See above)
2.    Purchase, review & update your paper-based or electronic policies, procedures, forms, registered & plans etc.
3.    Log into the NDIS Commission portal and go to the ‘My Registration’ tab to get started.  Complete the online application form and supply/ complete the following information:    

a.    your organisation's contact details.
b.    your corporate structure 
c.    your outlets/places of operation
d.    your key personnel 
e.    registration groups your organisation will provide. 

4. Complete Self-assessment against the NDIS Practice Standards relevant to the supports and services your organisation wants to or delivers to participants and upload any documents required as evidence. You can save the form and return to it for completion at any time within 60 days. After you submit your online application, you will email a ‘initial scope of audit’ document from the NDIS Commission. This document outlines whether you require a ‘verification’ or ‘certification’ audit and what your organisation needs to supply as evidence to comply with the relevant NDIS Practice Standards. It is your responsibility as the applicant to choose and engage an approved quality auditor to undertake the audit. You can request a quote from more than one auditor to make your decision. They will use the ‘initial scope of audit’ document to quote for their services. You can also discuss your specific needs and circumstances with auditors to negotiate the best value. To find an approved quality auditor visit
5.    Undergo an audit Stages 1 and/or 2. After you have selected an approved quality auditor, they will check that the scope of audit is accurate and begin the audit process. The process is different for ‘verification’ and ‘certification’ audits – See information below. Auditors will also complete their assessment taking your organisation’s size and scale, and the scope and complexity of the services being delivered, into consideration. The auditor will complete their written audit report and submit to the NDIS Commission for consideration and final approval.
6.    The NDIS Commission assess your application. In assessing your registration application, the NDIS Commission will consider the outcomes of the audit and conduct a suitability assessment of your organisation and key personnel. For successful applicants: you will receive a provider number, certificate of registration outlining the services or supports you are registered to provide, the period of registration, and any conditions you must follow to keep your registration. For unsuccessful applicants: you may contact the NDIS Commission to request a review within three months of the decision. If your application is still unsuccessful following the review, you may seek a further review by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.
7.    What is a suitability assessment? -The NDIS Commission assesses the suitability of NDIS providers and their key personnel to deliver NDIS supports and services. This includes whether the NDIS provider or their key personnel have: 

a.    previously been a registered NDIS provider. 
b.    had a banning order in place. 
c.    any past convictions 
d.    been insolvent under administration. 
e.    had adverse findings or enforcement action taken by any relevant authorities. 
f.    been the subject of findings or judgement in relation to fraud, misrepresentation, or dishonesty. 
g.    been disqualified from managing corporations.


What is the Difference Between a “Certification” and “Verification” Audit? 
It will depend on what services, supports or products you wish to provide and have nominated to provide during your online portal application. A good consultant or your selected auditor will assist you to determine the type of verification and/or certification audit you will be required to complete. Please ensure that you supply your “Scope of Audit” email attachment post your online application and self-assessment to your selected auditor. 

a.    Verification = Stage 1 audit 
b.    Verification + Certification = Stage 1 + 2 audit


Stage 1 
A “Verification Audit” is a “lighter touch” desk-top audit. This means only your Policies, Procedures, Forms, Registered, Plans etc along with any evidence documents are send to your selected auditor for review and audit. A Stage 1 Auditor Outcome Report will be sent to you within weeks of the audit. The auditor’s report will notify you of a successful audit completion or not. Ifnot, any non-conformances will be identified, and a timeframe issued for re-submission. At this point, depending on your chosen services, your audit will take 2 directions. These being:
1.    The auditor will upload a final report to the NDIS Commission portal for Ndis Commission Verification Only Registration Approval. The Ndis Commission will issue you a Provider Number and you can commence your service/s. 
2.    Or you commence Stage 2 audit.

Stage 2 
A “Certification Audit” is a more detailed audit requiring site visits, performance assessments through interviews with carers, participants, and their families, as well as document and file reviews. At the Stage 2 Audit, your auditor will visit the NDIS Provider’s head office and a sample of sites where services are delivered. The auditor will assess compliance with the NDIS Practice Standards through document reviews, observing service delivery and interviews with employee and participants. A Stage 2 Auditor Outcome Report will be issued to you within weeks. The auditor’s report will notify you of a successful audit completion or not. If not, any non-conformances will be identified, and a timeframe issued for re-submission. The auditor will upload a final report to the NDIS Commission portal for Ndis Commission Verification & Certification Registration Approval. The Ndis Commission will issue you a Provider Number, and you can commence your service/s.

The role of an auditor is to provide recommendations back to the Ndis Commission. Your successful registration or not is solely determined by the NDIS Commission and at their discretion.


What is the Timeframe to Become Registered, Renewal & Auditing?
Post Certification and Verification, a new provider will be issued a Provider Number with the NDIS Commission. The timeframe for receiving your provider number can be up to 12 months or longer. Certification and Verification is valid for 3 years. To ensure Certification or Verification is renewed, an assessment of the NDIS Practice Standards must be conducted every three years prior to the expiry of the NDIS Provider’s Registration. For organisations that are certified (rather than verified), a mid-term audit will be required to ensure continuing compliance with the NDIS Practice Standards.


How Much Does It Cost to Become Registered?
To become a NDIS registered provider, the provider must complete and lodge an application with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. This part is FREE. The cost of your NDIS Audit is exponential according to the type of services you offer. A Verification audit is for providers delivering ‘low risk’ or less complex services. For example, home maintenance, and support workers.

A Certification Audit applies to ‘higher risk’, more complex services and supports—for example, behaviour support, early intervention, and group and center-based activities. If you deliver a range of services and just one of them falls into a high-risk registration group, you will need to undergo a certification audit. This is a more complex audit that includes onsite visits, interviews with participants and auditors travel costs including meals, accommodation etc.

The preparation and documentation required to pass a NDIS Audit (for registration or renewal) should not be underestimated. This brings with it a monetary cost = to the cost of your time. You must ensure you have the policy, procedure, forms, registers, plans record and more as required. Please note that fees can be charged annually and not customised to your business. In some cases, you are not able to remove logos etc. It is our recommendation to ask questions as to the customisation, annual updating, true ownership, and ongoing costs prior to entering into any agreements.

We suggest to always get numerous quotes. Total Cost – Up to $20,000


If I Get Registered, Will I Get Send Clients from Ndis? 
No. There is no magical list of clients, and you will not get referrals from Ndis, Ndis Planners or LAC’s.  Your traditional and non-traditional forms of a marketing and advertising still will need to occur to attracts clients.


Can DCA Help Me to Start My Service?
Yes definitely. As industry leaders in ndis navigation, we empower the future leaders with the ability to know. With practical, time-efficient & affordable advice, coaching, mentoring, information, support, resources, training, and tools our Ndis Consultants & Best Practice Coaches will support and guide you through full business start-up and into service delivery. We can help you with: 
•    Category Code Selection 
•    Internal Auditing Preparation/s
•    Verification & Certification Registration
•    Non-conformities Reifications
•    Pre-Audit Walk Through  
•    IT, Website & Program development, or refinement
•    Business & Strategic Planning development, or refinement

•    Industry Knowledge Development including reading ndis plans & the ndis price guide.
•    Procedure or Processes Optimisation
•    Business, Service & Operational Management
•    Legislation & Compliance Management
•    HR Management 
•    WHS & Risk Management
•    Clinical Governance Management
•    Incident & Complaints Management
•    Expansion & Growth Development 
•    450 + Policies, Procedures, Forms, Registers & Plans Templates or Development 
•    Marketing, Advertising & Networking including training for attracting clients. 

Where Do I Start?
We are here to help, inspire, prepare, challenge, and safeguard you to register and operate your own service.  With 100% flexibility and different options for appointments, training sessions, individual purchases, no lock-in monthly or yearly subscriptions, free resources & ndis price guide navigator and more, we can help you with DCA Membership. Be fully supported through the complete process -


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